The fruits of “randomness” in relationship to culture and ethics
The fruits of “randomness” in relationship to culture and ethicsSummary
Randomness has, in the guise of evolution, wreaked havoc upon our educational systems. In fact, randomness doesn’t really exist, as all processes are ultimately deterministic as God is the creator of all.
Randomness is, “A condition in which any individual event in a set of events has the same mathematical probability of occurrence as all other events within the specified set, i.e., individual events are not predictable even though they may collectively belong to a definable distribution.[i] (emphasis mine)” In short, this definition posits that randomness is equivalent to unpredictability.
As it turns out randomness is rather important for many business, scientific, and industrial activities. The fields of “Algorithmic Probability, Chaos Theory, Cryptography, Game Theory, Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, Probability Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Statistics, and Statistical Mechanics, are all concerned with randomness[ii].
The most notable of these is cryptography. Today we routinely use cryptography as we shop online, make a cell phone call (hopefully), or log on to a wireless network. However, even from the days of Bletchley Park in World War II, it was extremely important to produce randomness.
In fact, one book[iii] fictionalizes a practice used In Bletchley Park. In it , a woman would turn a cage of colored ping-pong balls and reach in, randomly pulling a ball out and dropping it into a bin. The tumbling of the balls in the cage was supposed to produce a random result. But in this case, the woman had a sub-conscious penchant for certain colors. This bias showed up as a mathematical anomaly, allowing the Germans to crack that code. That program was scrapped.
Computers churn out random numbers using programs that can generate long strings of values with no obvious pattern; but in the end, this is a deterministic process. The word deterministic can be defined as, “Governed by and predictable in terms of definite laws, such as dynamic equations[iv].” So if there is a determining equation governing the generation of numbers, the numbers that are generated will never be truly random. The equations governing the “randomness” can be discovered.
Proverbs 16:33 says, “The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from Yahweh.[v]” Like the deterministic processes that generate the pseudo-random numbers of advanced computer programs, or even the “true randomness” companies like claim to generate (using entropic processes like radioactive decay and background noise) really are deterministic and thus essentially pseudo-random.
As mankind delves deeper into quantum physics, M-Theory (a super-set of String Theory), and the maturing field of chaos theory, true randomness becomes less true. And with the advent of quantum computing, pseudo-random based cryptographic schemes will implode like the collapse of Schrödinger’s wave function under observation. And all non-quantum based cryptography will be useless. Mankind is daily pushing back the veneer of randomness.
There is no hiding from God. There is nothing that He cannot seek or know. He wrote the first algorithms of the Universe and life; and therefore all is determined in Him.
Our officially Secular Progressive culture is now based on the notion that random processes created the Universe and all forms of life on earth. This assumption is based on the conjecture that there is no “prime mover,” no principal observer, no designer or creator. This assumption has the affect of leveling our moral responsibility so as to be equal to that of animals.
As the ideas born of an assumption of natural randomness penetrate the flaccid ideologies of Christendom, they breed nihilism, a destructive situation-based ethos, and a backlash of seekers, who having rejected the watered down theologies of the major churches, are ripe for the pickings of unbending, and seemingly solid faiths like Islam. Thus we have a Europe that may become Islamic in this generation[vi].
Thus the idea of randomness when applied to the nature of human kind and the universe, is bearing an evil fruit as modern science intentionally blind themselves and our children to even the possibility of underlying deterministic processes in creation – and certainly to the Ultimate Determiner, YHWH.
It is my belief that as the frontiers of science peel back the layers of pseudo-randomness, that mankind will come face to face with the fact that there is, no doubt, a Creator; and that He is in fact the God of the Christians. Even so, they will choose a form of determination called self-determination over obedience, to their ultimate demise[vii].
[iii] Cryptonomicon is a 1999 English language novel by Neal Stephenson. It concurrently follows the exploits of World War II-era cryptographers affiliated with Bletchley Park
[vi] Prophecy 20/20, Chuck Missler, Nelson Books (August 29, 2006) Language: English ISBN: 0785218890
[vii] 9And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give Him glory. have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
14These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful."
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